4 Compound Lifts You Need in Your Lifting Routine

There are a lot of benefits of an intense strength training routine. You get stronger, improve your overall health, and help enhance your physique. When you are creating a lifting schedule, a few lifts stand out above the rest. These compound exercises can help you target large groups of muscles. They should be a pillar in your routine and the main focus of your energy. If that sounds like the plan you’re looking for, grab your gym gloves and get ready to lift. These four compound lifts should be in every strength training routine. Target Your Lower Body with Squats Squats are the ultimate leg day workout. They work out a wide range of muscles, from your glutes and quads to calves and hamstrings. They also can help improve your core and lower back strength. When squatting with good form, you can even improve your mobility and posture. Remember to keep your knees over your toes and your back straight. Keep your heels on the ground and power through each rep. If you are looking to imp...